Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Khloe day 25...getting a little stronger

Well after yesterday's bad news, today is a very good day with some good news and a very exciting event. First of all Shelbie found out that Khloe's body isn't producing enough of a stress hormone so they are giving her some steroid shots to help her body produce that certain hormone and it's actually a good thing because it will help her get rid of some of the excess fluid and because it's a steroid it will help the lungs develop a little more. Speaking of her excess fluids, her nurse tonight told me that she is a lot less swollen than she has been. Khloe's chest x-ray showed that her lungs were a lot better so I don't believe pneumonia is much of a worry anymore. Her head ultrasound was normal and didn't show any bleeding or any past signs of bleeding in her brain. They did a CBC this morning and her white blood cell count is finally back to normal so she is now off the antibiotics and on top of that they took out the picc line as well as all the other IV's so she is more or less a free little girl other than the ventilator and feeding tube. They have once again increased her milk and she is now getting 13 mL and her residuals have been very minimal so she is still tolerating her feedings very well. Now for the best part of the day. Shelbie got a call from her nurse saying they were changing Khloe's bedding if she would like to go help out and to Shelbie's surprise, when she got there they were actually changing the whole bed And for the very first the ever, Shelbie got to actually hold our daughter. She was so excited, she told me, that she almost cried. Unfortunately I didn't have the chance to be there because I was sleeping for work and Shelbie didn't know she was going to hold her for the first time or she would have woke me up, but the nurse took pictures and sent them to my email and luckily they will do this every two weeks so I'll get my chance.So it was a pretty exciting day. I will put the pictures on her so check them out. Thanks for all the love and prayers.

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