Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Monday, June 20, 2011

Khloe day 15 and 16!

Hey everyone. The last two days have been, for the most part pretty normal and uneventful, which I think is probably a good thing. Saturday, they increased the amount of Khloe's milk to 3 mL and she has had had hardly any residuals. She has been eating again for a few days now and finally on Saturday she pooped and after her diaper got changed too, so mommy and daddy both got to change her diaper. It's a really good sign because it means her body is processing the milk. It's funny because I never thought Shelbie and I would ever be so happy about something like that. She also had to have another blood transfusion today. Grammy (my mom Debbie) got to do her cares too. She lucked out too because later I found out Khloe is supposed to be in an open crib before anyone but parents can do cares, but Grammy was so excited. Khloe also got her first primary care nurse too, her name is Melissa W. and she is awesome with Khloe. Sunday was my first Father's Day and it was great. Khloe and Shelbie gave me a cute picture album with pictures of Khloe and I love it. They increased her feedings again today to 6 mL, which is the most she has eaten. She is still very swollen, but the infection seems to be getting better and they will do another CBC on Monday to see if the antibiotics are working. Khloe is very fisty and today she kept fighting the would seem she is stubborn like her daddy. That's all for now so check back for more updates. Thanks for all your love and prayers.

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