Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Khloe Day 14...Two Weeks Old!

Khloe is two weeks old today! Unfortunately Shelbie and I didn't get to see Khloe too much though. We had to make another trip to Ephraim to get more stuff and Shelbie didn't even get to see her tonight because she wasn't feeling too well, but no worries all is well. Khloe is doing great. Still not completely sure if the antibiotic is working on her infection, but she definately seems like she might be feeling a little better. She is still very swollen, but the nurses tell us that once her infection is cleared up, it will start to go down. This morning before we headed to Ephraim, we stopped in to see our little girl and to our surprise, she was having her 3rd blood transfusion. We were a little confused because she had one a couple days ago, but I'm sure it's because of all the blood cultures they have to draw for. It is probably good to get some fresh blood in her to help fight her infection too. She is still on the ventilator and this morning they had her oxygen turned up qutie high because she was having a little bit of a hard time, but tonight she is doing much better and she is once again on the lowest level they can turn her oxygen to. I asked her nurse tonight what she weighed her at tonight and to my surprise she weighed 1 lb. 14 oz., but some of that is from the fluid retention she has and I think it still means that she has gained a little weight though. I think I forgot to mention that they started feeding her milk again two days ago. So far she is doing well on it, and tonight is the only night that she has had any residuals which is basically bile and means her digestive system is working well quite yet, but it seems that she is finally starting to digest a little bit, so that was some good news. Well it's kind of a short entry tonight and not much has been going on, but hopefully that's a good thing. Once again thanks for all your love and prayers through this tough time.

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