Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Monday, June 6, 2011

Khloe Update Day 2

Well day two is over. It was pretty good and everything went well pretty well, but there were a few scares and set backs although nothing too serious. It started off early this morning with Shelbie getting off her I.V. and having her cathe taken out. She was very excited to be able to get up and walk as well as wander around in a wheelchair. We visited Khloe around 4 AM but the visit was cut short due to a new arrival in the NBICU. We visited her a few hours later and Shelbie couldn't have been more thrilled watching her. Khloe is still breathing on her own, but earlier tonight she was having a little bit of a hard time with just the mask so they said that she might have to be intubated, but they were able to switch from the mask to a prong tube in her nose and at the moment she is doing very well and they are going to assess her in the morning to see if she will still need to be intubated. During mine and Shelbie's second visit today I was lucky enough to hear our baby girl cry, but Shelbie wasn't as lucky to hear her. It wasn't a cry like a normal newborn would make, but more like a couple short squawks. Howeve, it was still more than enough to make me tear up. During a later visit without Shelbie, I had the pleasure of changing Khloe's diaper again and I wasn't quite as nervous this time, but she was not very happy with her daddy during and after the process and once more I heard her cry and this time is was a little more recognizable as a baby's cry. The next excitement, or so I call it, came around noon time when Shelbie's blood pressure became elevated once more. She hasn't had any complications frome it, but the nurses have been watching her very closely and through a few meds it is now down to a more reasonable number, but they are still going to moniter her to make sure it doesn't rise again. Now for the most exciting part of the day. My Aunt Mary and Uncle Steve Hoggard, their daughter LaRissa and her boyfriend Jake came to visit tonight I took them to see baby Khloe. I took Mary first and I got so caught up in washing my hands and explaining to her the same procedure, that I left my brand new video camera on the table next to the sink. We were only in the baby's room for a few minutes until I realized what I had done, but it was already gone. I looked all over for it and asked the nurses if it had been turned in, but no luck. Finally I filed a report with the campus officer on duty and provided all the information he asked for including: make and model, serial numbers, and color. He even took pictures of the box to better identify it. Shelbie was pretty tore up about it, but I was just glad that I transferred all the the pictures and video to my lap top with the exception of  video I recorded today. I was praying that the thief would look at the contents and have a change of heart, realizing just how important the camera is. Not 5 minutes after I got back to Shelbie's room, the phone rang and the nurse had the camera. She explained that some parents saw the camera and feared it would get stolen so they took it to the desk, but the nurse wasn't there. However, they returned after their visit and turned it in. I was so relieved and Shelbie hasn't let me touch the camera since, so it would appear I have lost my camera privilege. Thanks for all your support and prayers.


  1. Trevor, thank you for the updates! So glad Shelbie's blood pressure is going down. We'll keep our fingers crossed that you will once again have camera privileges. Glad Khloe is doing well. :)

  2. Trevor these posts take me right back to when Payton was born. Its all in the little victories like crying, diaper changing, temp taking and eventually holding that little one that will make the time go by faster and give you hope.

    Im so happy to see that both baby and mommy are doing better.

  3. THanks for the update..I check it often! We will come see you guys again soon!
