Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Monday, June 13, 2011

Khloe day 10 (not such a good day)

Well today hasn't been such a great day. Khloe has had some bad set backs and some scares. Everyhing seemed to be going fine this morning when I got home from work. She was still breathing on her own aside from having to switch to another machine called a SiPAP which gives her a little extra support. Other than that everything was going good. Around 2:30 PM the NBICU called Shelbie with some bad news. Her "AB's" were getting worse and she has an infection. When Shelbie and I got there they were drawing blood for cultures to determine what kind of an infection she has and the nurse told us they were going to do a spinal tap. They started her on a general antibiotic to fight the infection and when they get the cultures back in a couple days they will modify the antibiotics to fight the specific type of infection. Shelbie called me tonight with an update since I'm at work right now and said that the spinal tap is to check for meningitis which I hope comes back negative. "AB"s" are graded on a scale of 0 to 4 with 0 being the best and 4 the worst. Khloe's have only been 0's and 1's until today and now they have been 2's and 3's. With he severity increasing Shelbie was told that they may have to intubate Khloe once again and until they figure out how to fix the "AB's" they will not be feeding her milk anymore which they had already stopped today because unlike yesterday her inestines weren't digesting it properly. So today hasn't been such a great day, but we'll work through it. Please keep us and especially Khloe in your prayers.


  1. This is Ashley Brown (Hahn) I know Shelbie from high school. I want you guys to know you are in my prayers and I'm having your names put on the prayer roll at the temple. I'm so sorry you are going through this.

  2. We feel sad and feel your pain during this very stressful time in your life with your new little daughter. Modern medicine can do some miraculous things in this day and age, but our Heavenly Father is the one who holds the key to what happens. We will keep you in our prayers and hope for the best for you.

    Mel and Kathy Anderson
