Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Update time! Ok so as most of you know a little over 24 hours ago June 3, 2011 our daughter Khloe Marion Poulson was born at 10:44 PM. She was almost 3 months premature and weighs only 1lb. 5oz. The reason for the early delivery was a pregnancy high blood pressure disorder called Pre-eclamsia which is life threatening to both to the baby and mother if the baby is not delivered and is the only treatment for the disorder. It was not an easy decision for me and Shelbie to make but we felt it was the best route for both Shelbie and Khloe. It was not the start to life we had hoped for our baby girl, but considering the circumstances mom and baby are doing very well. Shelbie is recovering very well from the surgery and Khloe is showing her stuborn will to survive and overcome in the Newborn Intensive Car Unit (NBICU) at University of Utah Hospistal. She was on a respirator for only about 19 hours and throughout the whole time she was doing most of the breathing on her own and the nurses have now taken her off the respirator and she is now breathing on her own. The nurses are watching her closely and we are all crossing our fingers that she won't need to be put back on the respirator. Khloe is currently on what the nurses call "minimum stimulation" which means they are exposing her to as little as possible such as light, sound, and contact with her skin all due to her fragile state. They obviously have to expose her to to some of this in order to do various tests as well as change her diapers. I (Trevor) had the lucky chance to change her diaper and take her temperature today and I couldn't have been a prouder daddy. That should put you all up to speed and I will try to post updates regularly. Please keep us in your prayers.

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