Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Friday, June 17, 2011

Khloe day 13! (pretty good day)

Today was a much better day. Khloe is looking much better. She still has a little swelling, but it seems to have gone way down. In the morning the doctor told me that they were just going to try and leave Khloe alone for the most part because they have been handling her a lot lately and she need to relax. She didn't look comfortable at all and she seemed like she was in quite a bit of pain. My grandparents came up and saw they're great grandaughter for the first time and they couldn't be more thrilled. Like I said on the last post, Khloe's eyes are open and I got to see them! She had her eyes open a lot today and she was opening them wide. She is so beautiful and could sit there and watch her forever. Every Thursday there is a parent get together called "Lemonade in the Lounge" is kind of a support group where you can go and meet other parent's and visit. Unfortunately Shelbie and I were the only parents who showed up but it was very therapeutic to visit with Tawna, who is the woman in charge, because she knows exactly what we are going through because she had a baby born at 22 weeks and 28 weeks. After visiting we went to visit Khloe and I was lucky enough to do her "cares" once again, which consists of changing her diaper, taking her temperature, and now includes changing her bedding. Yes, I got to help change her bedding and that means for the very first time I got to hold my little girl! The more we get to be involved in our daughter's care, the closer and closer we grow to her and the more we feel like I'm a parents. This Sunday, June 19, is Father's Day, and my very first Father's Day as a dad. I received a very cool present last night that was left at Khloe's bedside. It was a mug that says "World's Greatest Dad" and I couldn't have been more excited and I even told Shelbie that no one except me gets to use this mug, but I think Shelbie might try and sneak it every now and then. When we getting ready for bed we received an exciting phone call. The charge nurse called me and told us that they received the results from the blood cultures and they came back positive. This was great news because they now know what kind of infection she has, which is in the staff family, and they can treat her with an antibiotic to fight that specific organism. When I heard it was in the staff family, I was worried, but they said its not concerning and I trust them very much. Well that is all the news for day 13. Thanks for all your prayers.

Here is a pic of Khloe with her eyes open!


  1. She is BEAUTIFUL! Glad to hear that Khloe is doing better. Trevor ... thank you so much for the updates. I check your blog all day long! Have a wonderful Father's Day. Give Shelbie a hug for me. :)

  2. You guys don't know me but I am friends with Whitney. I have been following your blog since you started it. She is beautiful baby. I love the new picture.(I actually have a little girl named Khloe too!!) I have been thinking of your family and you are in my prayers. Happy first father's day!

  3. Happy Fathers Day. What a beautiful little girl. We are still praying for all of you. So happy to hear that Khloe is fighting hard and doing as well as she is.

    Mel and Kathy Anderson
