Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Khloe Day 3!

Well today wasn't quite as eventful as yesterday, but it still had it's moments. At 3 AM they finally decided to intubate Khloe, but they were surprised that she made it a day and a half breathing on her own. It was so much work for her little body that she needed to rest. They currently have her on what they call an oscillating respirator, which delivers 600 breaths per minute to her little lungs so, needless to say, she is not breathing on her own anymore. They have had Khloe under the bili light, which is the light used to treat jaundice, for the last two days and they have had a sort of "blind fold" covering her eyes to protect them from the light. Today they took her off the bili light temporarily so they removed the "blind fold" and covered her incubator with a small blanket to keep light off her, but for the first time Shelbie finally got to see her face and eyes even though her eyes are still fused shut. She is so beautiful and she must have been dreaming of her mommy and daddy because she kept raising her eyebrows and wrinkling her forehead. Shelbie's blood pressure was a lot more reasonable today, but it was still slightly elevated. Shelbie is going to be discharged tomorrow as long as all her vitals are doing good and she should be getting her staples out as well. All in all a pretty uneventful day, but it was still good and exciting to me.

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