Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Monday, June 27, 2011

Khloe Day 22 and 23... Same old same old

Well the last two days have, for lack of a better word, uneventful. Though considering the current situation, uneventful is good. Khloe has now been pretty much stable for 4 days now and that is great. She is tolerating her milk really well and Sunday she didn't have any residuals until that night and what residuals she did have were very minimal and she is still only getting 11 mL of milk, but I have a feeling they will up the amount Monday. They are still treating her with antibiotics for both the infection had and her possible pneumonia, but things are looking good. They did a CBC on Sunday and her white blood cell count is way down which is a good thing and Monday they will do another chest x-ray to see if her lungs are looking any better. She is still very swollen, but she has been peeing a lot lately so hopefully she will start getting rid of all the extra fluid. Tonight the nurse weighed her and she was 2 lbs 3 oz, but unfortunately most of that is all the excess fluid she is retaining. She still looks to me that she has gained a little weight though so it will be good when the swelling is gone so we know exactly how much she weighs. She has been playing the up and down game with her oxygen on her ventilator, but this has been very normal since she had to put back on it this last time. I think it's because she knows what it's like to be breathing on her own so she doesn't like having that tube in her. They have turned up the nitric oxide for the iNo study in hopes that it will help her stabilize her oxygen a bit so cross your fingers. Well that's it for the last couple days. Thanks for all the love and prayers.

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