Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Friday, June 24, 2011

Khloe Day 20 and 21...3 weeks old today!

Khloe is 3 weeks old today! It might not seem like it, but for me and Shelbie time has flown by. Well not much has been happening yesterday or today. I guess you could say no news is good news and in this case that is very true. Khloe has been doing great. They still have her on antibiotics even though her infection is gone and she will be on them for at least 4 more days. She has been has been peeing a lot so the lasiks seem to have been a good idea. She is still very swollen, even though she has been peeing a lot, but we're told it's due partially to getting another blood transfusion yesterday. We also found out that she will be having blood transfusions more often because now that the arterial line in her unbilical cord is gone. They have to drip blood out of the other lines becasause of the heparin that is in the line to keep the blood from clotting and the reason is that heparin can screw up the tests. With the umbilical line they could draw out the blood with heparin, take the blood for the test, then put the blood with haparin back in the heparin can screw up the blood tests. Her potassium was low yesterday so to combat it they are putting an additive in her milk with another fortifier that adds calories to the milk. She is eating really well and today they increased her feeding once again to 11 mL. They are going to start her on another medicine that is for pneumonia. She doesn't necessarily have pneumonia though, but her last two chest x-rays have had what they call "white outs" in the lungs to they are starting her on the medicine as a precautionary measure. Today Khloe got her second primary nurse as well. Her name is Libby and she is great because she explains things so they are easy to understand and Shelbie loves it because now she doesn't need me to try and explain things to her. Libby also took Shelbie on a tour of the rest of the NBICU a couple days ago and she had a great time because she got to see where Khloe will get to be next and it's a little more cozy and there is a shelf to put little stuffed animals and other things to keep her company. Well that's it for the last couple days. Thanks for all your love and prayers.

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