Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Friday, June 10, 2011

Khloe update Day 5 & 6

Sorry for keeping everyone on edge for a couple days. It's been go go go and no rest for the last two days. The worst of all is we haven't gotten to see Khloe very much. Wednesday (day 5) wasn't too eventful as far as Khloe goes. She was pretty stable all day. There is a valve called the PDA that leads into the heart and it  stays open until the baby is born, but when a baby is premature the PDA doesn't close on it's own and the only options are to try a series of injections to try and close it and if that doesn't work it would have to be surgery. They started the injections and last we were told she was having a very good response That was great news. Also on Wed. Shelbie's dad brought up our trailer, which will be our home for the next few months until Khloe is out of the hospital. It's not the best living space, but it will be good until she's out and it's even a little closer to work for me. Yesterday Shelbie and I had to head to Ephraim to get a lot of our essentials such as food, clothes, and a lot of other stuff. We stopped in to see Khloe before we left and she was doing the same as the day before. After our late return, at about 1 AM we went to the NBICU to see how our little girl was doing and to our great surprise she had the the tube in ther lungs taken out and was once again breathing on her own and even more so than the first time it had been taken out. The only downside is that she has been having what the nurse called "AB's" which mean Apnea and Bradycardia. Simply put this means she forgets to breath and her heart skips a beat and the nurse generally has to give her a little physical stimulation to get her to start breathing again. It made us a little nervous when they told us this, but the nurses said it is very common and expected for a baby as little and premature as she is, which put our minds to ease a little on the matter. Another milestone she reached yesterday was that they started feeding her breast milk. We were so excited. Overall there have been a few scary and exciting things happen the last couple days with Khloe. We already have some good news to put on tonight's post so check back to find out what else has been going on.

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