Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Khloe day 19...doing a lot better!

Well today was a pretty great day for Khloe, especially after all the terrible things that have happened the last week. We were told today that her infection is officially gone and her white blood cell count is down, but they are going to continue cultures just to make sure nothing else grows. They went up on her feedings again today and she is now getting 9 mL of milk and she has had very little residuals and the the nurses and doctors are thrilled. They have also turned down the support on her ventilator which is another good sign because she is starting to do a little more of the breathing herself so hopefully before too long she'll be off it and get to move to another room. She is still swollen but hopefully it will start to go down because today she has had a lot of urine output so it seems the lasiks are working to help her get rid of that excess fluid. Things have been going great today and the news is all good news, but I have saved the best for last. Shelbie found out that in another week or two, should all go well, we will be able to start skin to skin. For those of you who don't know what that is, which I assume is most of you reading this, it is when we can start holding her, and in essence snuggle her, against our bare skin. I can't wait for this because Shelbie and I will finally get to start feeling more like parents. It's very hard knowing you have a child and not being able to really do anything to care for them. The nurses have told us that of all the things they do for preemies skin to skin is probably one of the most important because it gives the baby and parents a chance to really bond and it seems to comfort the baby and help them calm down. Well that's it for today and it was all good news. Thanks for all your love and prayers.

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