Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Khloe day 17...a few more steps back

Well the NBICU life so far is very much a roller coaster. There have been some ups and some downs and yesterday was definitely no exception. In the morning they did the CBC and her white blood cell count was a little lower, but not where it should be and that wasn't a very good sign because it means her infection isn't really going away. They took more blood cultures today to see if anything grows and if it does they will be taking out the picc line. Khloe is still retaining a lot of fluid which is causing her to be very swollen, so they have reduced her IV fluids and increased her feedings to 7 mL of milk. They also started giving her something called lasiks which is a some sort of a diarrhetic to help her urinate more so she can relieve her body of some of the fluids, but after a few hours she had hardly urinated at all which they were a little concerned about so they put in a catheter to help her even more and to see if her bladder is just holding onto the fluids. As if the bad news couldn't get any worse, they did a chest X-ray and found that her right lung has collapsed. It is due to her lungs being tired and to combat it they have increased the mean on her ventilator which basically means that they increased her support by turning up the pressure to help re-inflate her lung and they have also put her on her left side so her right lung is in the air with less pressure so the air will flow to it better. I talked to the nurse tonight and I asked her if it is anything they are really concerned about and she said it isn't because the lungs can tend to collapse when the baby is this young and can go back and forth between the left and right lungs. One last bit of bad news. She has some fluid in her lungs as well and they are not sure if it's pneumonia or an infection or just mucus so they are going to be testing it to see and we are hoping for the best whatever that may be. Well it's not been a good day and our poor little girl is struggling more than ever. Please keep us and especially Khloe in your prayers.

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