Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Khloe day 24... The roller coaster continues!

Well now that we've had a few good days, it kind of figures that we had another bad day. Good news is that she is still tolerating her milk really well and she is peeing and pooping pretty regular. Tonight the nurse said she lost 10 grams of weight so that means she is starting to get rid of some of the fluid she is retaining. Tomorrow is the last day for her to be on her antibiotics so they will check her white blood cell count and hopefully it will be close to normal. She is still being treated for possible pneumomia as well and hopefully the chest x-ray tomorrow will tell us if it's getting any better. Sadly that is all of the good news and I don't even know where to begin with the bad so I'll just dive into it. Shelbie was told this morning that Khloe is developing Chronic Lung Disease. At first I thought it was a really bad thing to hear, but after talking with her nurse tonight, I found out that it's kind of expected with a baby this young. Basically the reason for it is the ventilator support she requires. It can damage part of the lungs and cause some lasting effects such as asthma, but it's not a for sure thing and I was told that after a couple years her lungs will regenerate that tissue and she will kind of grow out if it and that was a huge relief to me. Another thing they are worried about with the chronic lung disease is RSV. They have cautioned us to keep from really taking her anywhere for the first year so sadly not many people will get to see much of her once she is out of the NBICU because if she gets RSV she will not be able to breathe at all we're told, so it can be very life threatening to her. The other piece of bad news is that she has an air sack on the outside of her left lung that is causing a little concern because if it gets bigger it can cause less air to flow into her lungs because of the pressure it creates. To solve this they are placing her slightly on her left side in hopes that the air sack will go away but if it doesn't they will have to use a needle to draw the air out of her chest. Well all in all not a great day but we're taking it in strides and working through it. Thanks for all your love and please keep us and especially little Khloe in your prayers.

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