Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Khloe update day 4!

Well today I wasn't sure I'd have much to post, but I lucked out. It was kind of a busy day. Shelbie was discharged from the hospital and she was excited. I think she was happy to be able to leave that tiny hospital room and get some fresh air and see some new scenery. The only downside, and I'm sure Shelbie agrees, is that we won't be mere seconds from out little girl, but luckily we will still only be minutes away. Fortunately, the hospital has an RV lot setup with all utilities for only $10 a day and Shelbie's former boss and "Second Father," as she calls him, Charlie Stevens has offered to provide us with his 5th wheel camp trailer for the whole three month or so stay while Khloe is in the hospital. I only hope that one day I can show Charlie how much his generosity means to me and that I can somehow repay him. Khloe is doing great. During our on the go day we tried to visit her twice and were unsuccessful due to a new arrival in the NBICU each time, but we gladly waited for a couple extra hours and finally were able to visit her at about 8:00 PM and it was and always will be well worth the wait. Tonight was extra special though. As everyone following this blog knows, I have had the oppertunity to change Khloe's diaper and take her temperature twice and unfortunately that is the only contact, other than watching her and speaking softly to her, that we can have at this time. Tonight Shelbie finally got the chance to be at her bedside during diaper change time and was able for the first time ever to touch her beautiful baby girl. She took her temperature and was offered the option to change her diaper, but was a little nervous of doing that portion for fear she might do something wrong because of her fragile state, so she deferred the honor to me and I was able to change her diaper for the 3rd time. I guess I can now say I am somewhat of a pro at changing my daughter's diaper. Wouldn't you agree? Well that was our exciting day and I hope you all keep checking our updates regularly. Again we want to thank everyone who has had our family, especially little Khloe, in their prayers. We can definately feel the comfort they bring.


  1. Trevor, so glad that Shelbie was discharged and Khloe is doing well! I think you should change your profession and become an author. I LOVE your daily updates. Again, let us know if there is anything you need! Now that you have a "home" I will make arrangements to bring you some dinner and goodies. :)

  2. Trevor, I am so happy everything is stable and Shelbie has been discharged. I read your blog and its deja vu for me (Payton was born 9 weeks early and stayed in the NICU for a month). I totally understand what you guys are going through, and it's a long read ahead, but how lucky are we that we have the technology available to our babies that allow them to have a chance at life in this world.

    Shaun and I will continue to pray for you three, please call or write to me if you need anything!
