Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Friday, July 1, 2011

Khloe day 26 and 27...doing great!

Well the last two days have been great as far as Khloe goes. She has been very stable and hasn't had anymore complications. She is still tolerating her feedings and is pooping and peeing great. Her swelling has gone way down and to me she looks like she is back to normal. She even had gained some weight and as of last night she is 2 lb 3 oz. They have taken her off the oscillating ventilator and put her on the drager which requires her to do a lot of the breathing for herself. She has been very stable with her oxygen and has not been playing the up and down game at all which is great because she was doing that a lot on the oscillator. Her lungs are doing better all the time and the air pocket is still all but gone. So Khloe is doing great, but we still had a scare that had to do with Shelbie. Thursday evening we were coming back from doing our laundry and at the bottom of the hill to the hospital she said her left arm and her face went numb all of a sudden and she felt weird. My first thought was maybe a small stroke due to high blood pressure because they took her off her blood pressure meds on Monday. I rushed her to the ER where they had somewhat of the same concern. Her blood pressure was very slightly elevated but not high enough for any concern, they thought she might have a small blood clot in her brain causing the symptoms because there is a possibilty that can happen for about 5 weeks after giving birth. They did a MRI and they said it looked normal and said it is probably due to a different type of migraine that can cause those symptoms. Currently it is 1:30 PM on Friday day 28 and we are back in the ER because they called and wanted more imaging done so I will update tonight about what is going on. All in all Khloe is doing great but Shelbie is having a little scare so check back tonight for the next update. Thanks for all the love and prayers.

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