Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Khloe Day 28, 29 and Day 30! (Tons of exciting stuff!)

So It's been a couple days since I posted because it's been kind of crazy and we've had a lot going on. To start off I'll pick up with the conclusion of my last post about Shelbie. She is fine. Like I said we had to go back to the ER because they wanted more imaging done because when they looked at the MRI again they saw what something that concerned them. We went back and they did a CT scan and it turned up nothing. Long story short they said it was most likely an artifact that they saw, which I have no idea what that is, but they were relieved because if it had turned back something it would have been a real serious concern we were told so we were relieved as well and Shelbie has been fine since. For the last three days Khloe has been doing great! On Friday she turned 4 weeks old! The time is sure starting to fly by. She has been perfectly stable and on Friday night they moved her into room 2! They have increased her milk a couple times and she is now getting 17 mL and she has been having little to no residuals. She is still peeing and pooping really well and her swelling I think is probably almost all the way gone. Aside from being moved to room 2 we have some other great news. We found out last night (Saturday night) that we can start doing "skin to skin" which means that we can start holding her and not just like a baby, but against our own skin! We can only do it at cares when we change her diaper so to no surprise Shelbie and I stayed up til 2:00 AM for the next set of cares so we could hold our baby girl. Unfortunately only one of us can hold her so I let Shelbie do it last night and she was so excited to be able to actually bond and snuggle with her daughter. Today (Sunday) I had my oppertunity to hold my daughter for the very first time and it was awesome! It was a great feeling to feel the warmth of her tiny little body and it was almost as if she just melted right into me and I felt that special connection that I believe you can only have with youe child. We finally are starting to feel like parents because now it feels like we have a baby because we can actually interact with her and hold her. Everything else is going great with Khloe she hasn't had anymore scares and all the complications over the last couple weeks are a thing of the past and they are even talking about taking her off the ventilator in the next day or two. Overall things are going great and we have a lot to look forward to in the coming days. Thanks for all you love and prayers. Oh and here are some pictures of our "skin to skin" bonding!

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