Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Khloe Day 32, 33, and 34...doing awesome!

Khloe is doing great! There isn't much to say because she has been doing so good. She is eating great and still peeing and pooping a lot. Today (Thursday) they increased her milk once again and she is now eating 18 mL of milk. Yesterday (Wednesday) they took her off the ventilator for the third time and I was told that they were very hopefully this time around. So hopefully third times the charm and she will now be off the ventilator for good, but things can change very quickly and there are a lot of factors that could result in her going back on the ventilator like if she were to get another infection. For now she is doing great and she is cooperating very well with the bubble CPAP. She is doing all the breathing on her own with very little pressure support from the CPAP.  Another event yesterday is that the eye doctor came in to check Khloe's eyes for their development. Her eyes are developed to the point where they expect them to be at this point, but they are not where they should be for her to be out of the woods of developing any eyes problems.  As of now her eyes are at Stage 1 and Zone 2. These stages and zones refer to thedevelopment of the blood vessels in her eyes. There are several stages and stage 1 is the best and where she needs to be and there are 3 zones with zone 1 being the worst and zone 3 being the best. Like I said before she is in zone 2 which means her eyes are not fully vascularized, but they are on track to healthy maturity. She is doing great and fortunately that is all the news there is for the last 3 days and it is all good news. We are keeping our fingers crossed every day that she will keep moving forward, but ther are bound to be some set backs on this NBICU rollercoaster. Keep checking back for more updates and thanks for all the love and prayers.

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