Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Monday, July 18, 2011

Khloe update days 41, 42, 43, and 44...a little bit of a roller coaster ride!

Since my last post, quite a bit has happened. She has been on the up and up for a couple weeks now and every day she has been doing better. On Thursday they took her off the CPAP and she was breathing completely on her own for the first time ever and though she was still receiving oxygen, she was doing all the work on her own. She was doing so good that they felt she could move into the next room and she did just that. She is now in room 6 which is where a lot of the bigger babies are and it's white a change because it's much noisier. She did really well breathing on her own until Saturday. Her "AB's" were getting more and more frequent and on Saturday they made the decision to put her back on the CPAP and that helped a lot, but she was still having "AB's" just not as many so today (Sunday) they put her on the next step of support which is called SiPAP and she has been doing much better because unlike the CPAP, the SiPAP gives her breaths if she needs them, so she hasn't had anymore "AB's". They thought she might be getting sick again because she has had a lot of secretions in her nose and mouth, but we were told today that she has had less and that her white blood cell count is still normal so cross your fingers she isn't getting sick. She is still doing really well with her feedings and her residuals are still minimal. Her weight is now 2 lb 12 oz. She is getting so big and before we know it she'll be home using all the fun stuff her mommy bought her his weekend with the baby shower money. She also got her 4th primary nurse and her name is Allison and she seems like she'll be a good one. Well that's it for now. A lot has happened some good and some not so good, but nothing very serious so check back for more updates. Thanks for the love and prayers.

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