Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Khloe day 35, 36, and 37...still doing awesome!

Well for the last three days Khloe has still been doing great. We haven't got to see her much this weekend because Shelbie's baby shower and family reunion were saturday but she has been very stable and doing better each day. Friday, they increased her milk to 19 mL and she had minimal residuals. They also finished with the iNO study so she is now off the nitric oxide gas completely. I hope that the gas helped her lungs and eyes like they were hoping it would. Saturday, they increased her milk once again and she was and still is getting 21 mL every 3 hours, which is a little over half an ounce. If you haven't noticed they have been increasing her milk pretty regular and she has so far tolerated it very well. I just hope that she'll really start growing and packing on the weight. They also started weening her on the hydrocortozol steroid that they have been giving her to help produce the stress hormone and she is set to be off it on July 19th. I forgot to mention on the last post, Thursday, that I got to hold her for the second time. It was great, but she seems to put me to sleep because as soon as I get ahold of her, she melts right into me and goes to sleep and not too long after that, I'm out like a light. Hopefully she'll do that when she's older because it will make babysitting her a lot easier. Today (Sunday) she is still doing great! She has been doing awesome off the ventilator so far and has been stable on the bubble CPAP. She had a little "AB" today but nothing to worry about because they have been few and far between since she got off the ventilator this time around. They have also decreased the pressure support on the CPAP from 7 to 6 so that means that she is supporting her own breathing more and more. That is about all for the last few days and it's all good news. She is looking great and gets cuter all the time so I'll get some pictures on soon. Thanks for all the prayers and love.

1 comment:


    LOVE MOM!!!!!!
