Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Khloe update days 45, 46, and 47...pretty much the same

The last three days have, for the most part, been normal in the life of Khloe. Monday she received a blood transfusion per request of Libby, one of her awesome nurses, and since that she has had a few less "AB's". She has been pretty stable and has required only the support of the bubble CPAP, which they put her back on because they felt she didn't need the extra support of the SiPAP. They have increased her milk twice, first from 22 mL to 24 mL then to 25 mL and they are still fortifying it so she gets 24 calories and is starting to show because she is getting a lot bigger and packing on the weight. Tonight she weighed 2 lbs 15 oz so she is almost 3 lbs. It's so exciting that she is gaining so much weight because the sooner she gets over 4 lbs, the sooner she'll be home. She had another eye exam today and her eyes haven't changed, but it's not bad because it means they aren't getting any worse but hopefully they'll start getting better soon. After she's off the CPAP again they will use a retinal camera to do her eye exams and from the sounds of it, it will be more thorough and probably less painful and uncomfortable for her. Today she sucked on her binki for the first time. She didn't get what she was supposed to do the first time but a few hours later they gave it to her again and she started going to town sucking on it, so hopefully that's a sign that she'll learn how to eat on her own quickly. We got a picture of her with the binki so I will get it posted on here soon along with all the other pictures I've promised. That's it for now so check back later. Thanks for all the love and prayers.

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