Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Khloe days 56, 57, and 58...doing better than ever!

The last few days have been the most exciting days in a long long time. They have been weening Khloe on her incubator by turning down the temperature and she has been holding her own temperature! She has been doing this for a few days now and they put a onesie on her yesterday but took it off before I could see it because they wanted to watch her breathing, but her primary nurse, Chris, put one on her tonight and I got some cute pictures that are going on the blog along with all the other pics I've been promising for weeks. This is great news that she is holding her own temperature because regulating her own body heat is one of the four requirements to go home and if she keeps holding her own heat they are hoping to put her in an open crib this week which is a huge step forward and that means that both sets of her grandparents will be able to hold her. She is doing good on the high flow nasal canula and surprisingly she hasn't had very many "AB's" but she has had a bunch of desaturations. It was so hard to hold her with the CPAP because of all the tubing and doing "skin to skin" was impossible, but now that she is on the high flow I got to hold her and do "skin to skin" for the 3rd and 4th time yesterday and today! She is getting so big and chubby. Tonight she wighed in at a grand total of 1673 grams which is 3 grams shy of 3 lbs 11 oz and She is about 15.5 in long. When I changed her diaper yesterday, I realized just how big she's getting because I used to be able to fit my whole hand around her legs and bum, and now I have to just lift up her legs because she's got some rolls and her bum is no longer skin and bone, now she's got a little padded tooshy. She's eating really well and now she's up to 32 mL of milk and hopefully this week or so she will start learning how to breastfeed which is another one of the 4 requirements to go home along with being a least 4 lbs and breathing on her own but she can be sent home on an oxygen tank. She's doing so good and hopefully she'll keep doing so good that we get to take her home early so cross your fingers. That's all for now so check back later. Thanks for all the prayers and love.

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