Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Khloe Upday Days 122 through 136...closer than ever!

I know a lot of people have been asking and wondering why I haven't posted in about two weeks and I'm sorry to keep you all on edge. It definately hasn't been for a lack of news. I just haven't seemed to find the time to do it, but now the wait is over. Khloe is doing very well, but she hasn't changed much since the last post, aside from her weight anyway. She weighs 9 lbs 8 oz! She is such a little chunker and cuter than ever. Her eyes are still Stage 3 Zone 2 and hopefully they will be a little better this week for her eye exam. Her bottle are still hit and miss, but that will not be much of a problem very soon. On the October 24th, Khloe has surgery scheduled to have the Gastronomy tube (G-tube) put in her stomach. On Friday, Shelbie and I are taking the class that tells us how to use it and care for it. This may sound like scary news to most everyone, but it's a very minor and simple surgery and a relief to me and Shelbie because this means that she could be going home anywhere from 5 to 10 days after the surgery. For the first time Shelbie and I can really start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We are more than ready to go home. As long as we get some good news about her eyes on Wednesday, with a little luck, we will hopefully be home in about two weeks. That's about all right now, so in the mean time here are some pictures to enjoy! Thanks for all the prayers and love.

1 comment:

  1. My name is Whitney Hawkins. I met and talked with your wife in the NICU back in July. My baby was in there for a week and we briefly met. All I knew was your wife's name and that you lived in Ephraim. I was thinking about your baby the other day and wondering how she was doing so I googled it and found your blog. I hope that doesn't make me a creep! I was just so amazed by your story and your sweet baby's strength I just couldn't not check to see if there was any info. I am so happy to hear your baby is doing so well and will be able to go home soon. We were only there for 7 days and I hated it, I can't imagine what you guys must be feeling. Anyway, I was wondering if there was anything we could do to help you out? I could bring a dinner or something? Please let me know. My email is blog is (your wife probably doesn't remember me but maybe pictures will help...or the fact that I was the one with the 10 lb. Baby!) anyways, I really don't mean to be creepy, like I said I couldn't forget a story like yours! Good luck these next few weeks and please let me know if we can help you guys out in any way.
    -Whitney Hawkins
