Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Khloe Update Days 145 through 147....HOME SWEET HOME!!!

After 21 weeks or 147 days, WE ARE HOME!!! Khloe was born on Friday June 3, 2011 weighing 1 lb 5 oz and on Friday October 28, 2011 Khloe was discharged from the hospital and went home weighing 10 lbs. Wednesday her eye exam went great and we found out that her eyes are getting better and her R.O.P. is regressing. She is now Stage 3 Zone 3. Thursday we went to the hospital to learn how to change her G-tube dressing and her doctor came to her bed to do rounds and surprised us by saying she was going home Friday. We are so thrilled to be out of the hospital and things are going great. She has been home for two days now and she has adjusted well. She is doing about the same with her bottles, but thanks to her G-tube, we don't have to worry about her not getting all her calories and nutrients. She is such a joy and I can't describe how nice it is to not have a nurse looking over our shoulders at all times and we can go anywhere with her without being tied down by all sorts of sensors. After almost 5 months we truly feel like parents at last. We will miss all the friends we made in the NBICU and we hope to keep in touch with all of you. Once again we want to thank everyone who has helped us through this difficult time. Thanks for all the prayers and love. It's good to be home!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!!!! Home..... there is no better place to be. Much love. -Denise
