Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Khloe update days 59, 60, and 61...a huge leap forward!!!

Well you've all been waiting for some really exciting news and here it is. First of all today, august 3rd, khloe is 2 months old! The time is sure starting to fly by even though it may not seem like it to some. Now the most exciting stuff. On Monday, August 1st, Khloe was moved to an open crib! This is a huge step and really exciting because now we can interact with her more than ever and even her grandparents can hold her now, which I'm sure they all can't wait to do. Another reason for the excitement is that she has officially achieved one of the four qualifications to go home and that is maintaining her own body heat. I got off work really early Monday night and spent most of the morning holding Khloe and taking pictures so I will post the pics on here as soon as possible so you can all see how big and cute she is getting. She is getting 32 mL of milk and is doing well with her feedings at least that's what I think because it takes about 4 diapers for one diaper change because she thinks it's funny to dirty the new one before we get it done up, ha ha. As of tonight, Wednesday August 3rd, Khloe weighs 3 lbs 13.5 oz and I expect that she will reach the 4 lb mark this weekend which is another huge step because it is another of the 4 qualifications to go home. Today she had another eye exam and her eyes have gotten better since last week. As you may remember, last week her eyes were in Stage 2 and Zone 1 and this week her eyes have regressed and are now in Stage 1 and Zone 2 which is a really good sign. Well that's it for now and there's a lot of exciting stuff going on so check back laterfor more news. Thanks for all the love and prayers.

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