Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Monday, August 29, 2011

Khloe Days 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, and 86....the wait continues!

Well I think this has been the longest break between posts so far and I wish I had more to report on. Khloe is doing great as usual. She is getting 47 mL of milk now which is a little over an ounce and a half. She is doing much better at breastfeeding and they have even started alternating with bottlefeeding. She has made a lot of progress learning to eat on her own, but she still has a long way to go. Learning to eat is the longest part of the whole NICU experience and we've been told, on average, it can take up to 8 weeks for babies to finally learn and eat well enough to go home and sometimes it can be even longer, though I hope it's not. I think we're through the 3rd or 4th week to learning and I hope she's on track, but we'll get there either way. Khloe's eye appointment this week went good. Her eyes are still the same as the week before, Stage 2 Zone 2, which is good, but unfortunately it means they haven't gotten better either. Aside from learning to eat, her eyes is the only other thing we're waiting on for her to go home. One of two things needs to happen, either her eyes need to be fully vascularized so she can be sent home on oxygen or she needs to be off oxygen support and breathing completely on her own and she can go home without her eyes being vascularized and we would have to come up once a week for her eye appointments. The reason they won't send her home on oxygen with her eyes not being vascularized is that the oxygen has such a high concentration of oxygen that it damages eyes that aren't fully vascularized. As you can see, day we take her home completely depends on her now and is out of the hands of me, Shelbie, or the hospital staff so I hope she's stubborn and really starts moving forward. She is still getting so big and as of tonight she is 5 lbs 9 oz! She is such a little chunk now and she's like a normal baby, she even has a double chin along with her daddy's big head. She is so cute! That's all for now so check back later. Thanks for all the prayers and love.

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