Khloe Marion Poulson

Khloe Marion Poulson

Friday, September 9, 2011

Khloe Days 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, and 97...slow but sure!

Well it's been another long wait for this post and here it is. Some of you may have been on edge waiting for more news and unfortunately I don't have too much to report, but what I do have to tell you is pretty exciting, at least most of it is. To start off, Khloe is still getting huge. She's now like a normal baby and weighs just under 6 lbs 7 oz. She is gaining weight like a maniac and it definately shows because she has a double chin, chubby little cheeks, and many little rolls even on the back of her neck. She is eating 53 mL of milk and she has made huge progress with bottlefeeding in a week. They are giving her a bottle about every 3 hours at the time of her cares and she has been doing pretty good, although most of the time it's hit and miss. On Tuesday she ate all, or close to it, of just about every bottle they gave her, but then on Wednesday and today, she has been wore out and hasn't even ate half most of the time, so tonight they are just going to try every other and see if she does a little better. She had another eye appointment on Wednesday. The good news is they haven't gotten worse and are the same and the bad news is they haven't gotten any better and are the same. We are really anxious to go home and for that to happen either her eyes need to get better and she can be sent home on oxygen or she needs to get off oxygen support completely and we can just take to to an eye appointment once a week and she needs to start eating all her bottles. For the last week and a half to two weeks Khloe has been having high blood pressure and they have been somewhat concerned. They weren't sure what has been causing it so they have done some blood tests, which came back negative, and some urine tests to test her kidneys, which were negative as well, so they are still unsure of the cause. Fortunately the last couple days her blood pressure has been lower so for now they are going to keep monitoring her and if it goes back up they will probably start some meds. We are really longing to go home and we are more  than ready because 3 months is more time than we wanted to have Khloe in the hospital and live in a camp trailer and unfortunately they are projecting another 2 or 3 or 4 weeks before we can take her home. This whole ordeal has been quite and experience and they really can do amazing things with babies born so young. That's it for now so check back later. Thanks for all the love and prayers.

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